Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My god!! I suck at commitment,

to this blog at least....i have been keeping up my new found workout/love of running.... i don't understand how i can start to enjoy something that makes me so miserable the entire time I'm doing it...and i have the audacity to do it for at least an hour at a time...and on some days i do it twice.....i mean my body is killing me...my chubby thighs are burning from rubbing together.....i deal with the public embarrassment of everyone on the busy road where I usually take my jog, to see how slow and out of shape i am....and yet i have continued this religiously.....on the days i don't go running I'm thinking about running....about how i need to go farther the next day...or mapping out potential routes for me to take.....and Ive found that running/jogging/walking briskly is rather therapeutic....it helps center me...allows me to focus on my thoughts....has anyone ever seen WHAT WOMEN WANT.... the movie Starring Mel Gibson....this is such a random scene in the movie but its the part where Helen Hunts character is showing the NIKE commercial....and its says something along the lines about how the road doesn't judge her....that's how i feel....despite how sore or embarrassed or just plain frustrated i could be...all i have to do to help center myself is put on my ipod...tighten my sneakers....and start pounding pavement...and from that moment on its just me and the road....

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